I was making dinner for my friend that had her baby the other day. I was busy making rolls. Braysyn just wanted me so bad because he was so tired. I told him to set in his chair and watch me because I was just about done. Next thing I knew I looked over and there he was all asleep with that rotten thumb in his mouth. It was still so dang cute, I had to capture the moment. I love you Braysyn.
8 years ago
Arya sucks her thumb too, you'll have to let me know if there are any good tricks to getting them to stop. I don't want her sucking it in Kindergarten! It is pretty cute though...
Karissa is a thumb sucker to, but we told her that if she did that in school all of the kids would make fun of her. So, she does not suck her thumb around anyone but family at this point. I'm hoping she will quit that soon, heck she is almost 8.
I guess at this point you will just have to surrender! he is gonna suck htat thumb no matter what!
I hope he quits. Maycee sucked hers to but we got her to quit when she was 4. Braysyn don't care what we tell him he just puts it right back in. He even has one of those things in the top of his mouth so he won't suck it and that dosen't even stop him. I need help for sure.
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