We had a very fun EASTER this year. We went to the same place our family always goes. I was going to post sooner but, dang it has taken me a whole 4 days to get this thing done, I guess that is what happens when I go back to work, my blog suffers a little because I have to take care of the kids first you know:)Me and Mylee spent a bit of time in the trailer because it was kind of cold and I didn't want her out in it. She did take some naps for me while I made some treats, I put this camping rocking chair in my trailer so I could still rock her, and it worked. She is such a little doll.
I was taking the picture of Mylee in the chair and Braysyn wanted his taken too, as if he were asleep you know, so he closed his eyes but this little smile crept on his face before I could get the picture taken all of the way.
CLINT on his motorcycle doing some jumps. I tried to get him to take one of me jumping but he claimed he could not run the camera, I know deep inside he just knew I would out do him! No just kidding but he payed for doing all of these jumps w/o riding boots, you should see the side of his foot, WOW.
This is my mom/grandma holding Mylee when it was a little nicer out for a minute.
CLINT and BRAYSYN kicking back in my recliner chair.
Me and my GIRLS, MYLEE and MAYCEE. I love them girls.
LANDYN and AUSTYN getting in some quality swing ball, SHEENA and KAYLIE in the background there. Landyn rode to hard and broke the valve stem on his motorcycle so he didn't get to ride much, he sure had a good time catching LIZARDS and other things though.
BRAYSYN at the egg roll.
MAYCEE showing off her egg too.
Baby Girl MYLEE and her first EASTER EGG ROLL.
On Sunday we drove over to Horse Valley to my DAD's property where he has been preparing a new corral, these guys decided they wanted to carve their names in the wall, we then told them to wait until we had our pocket knives. We will go back out later and carve them there.
MYLEE girl getting her bath in the sink in the trailer, I can't stand for my babies to not have a bath every morning so this is what she got and she loved it.
Then on Saturday night we were told to gather around the main campfire at 6:30 for a one time only surprise. We had no idea what was going to happen, this jeep drove up and when it pulled away these three beautiful women were standing there waiting to perform for us. They sand Super Trooper from Mama Mia, it was the best. They all looked so good too. It will be something we will all never forget. Anyway another Easter is done and gone. These are some of the best memories I can still remember is of our Easters when I was a little girl I hope my kids will have the same kind of memories, being with family is awesome.
8 years ago
Mylee is getting so big wow! Cute cute!
Awesome weekend!
I sure wish my family did things like that while growing up. You are truly blessed!
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